Operation Polo or Police action
“We did not understand, what Independence Day meant on August 15th, 1947. It took us whole year for that, while the rest of the country is celebrating the attainment of Independence, we were crushed by a tyrant who was dead set against joining India” – Katam Laxminarayana, a freedom fighter.
Annexation of Hyderabad State
After India got Independence in 1947, British left leaving the choice to princely states to stay whether independent or join India or Pakistan.
Kasim Razvi unfurled the Asafia Flag and declared the flag was the emblem of the suzerainty of God on earth and exhorted the Muslims to defend it to the last drop of their blood. Even the Deccan Chronicle of June 24, 1947 reported. With that, Nizam of Hyderabad state decided to stay independent on 27 August, 1947 and continued his feudal rule until 1948.

Pic source:: wikipedia
Government of India tried several ways to negotiate with Nizam but the Nizam and his Government are reluctant to join India. Even India asked Lord Mountbatten to interfere in the matters and negotiate with Nizam. After months of negotiations, Nizam and Indian Government signed the Standstill Agreement in November, 1947. But the Nizam abused the agreement by strengthening his armed forces with new weapons and recruited Razakkars. He proposed 40% representation to Muslims on behalf of 13% of the population.
In a letter to Sardar Patel on 11th April,1948, Nehru wrote,
“ We do not want to impose our will on any state and it is our earnest desire to avoid conflicts and quarrels… We therefore concluded the Standstill Agreement with Hyderabad last year with the hope that in the course of year, the people’s desires would be fulfilled. But no sooner the ink in which the agreement was signed was dry, the Hyderabad government violated the agreement. Hyderabad is the only state where so far there has been no change in the nature of the government… The Ittehad Muslemeen and its volunteers are committing violence on the people, trying to overawe and coerce them with bullets. The present state of affairs definitely cannot be allowed to go.”
On various occasions Nehru gave his words to Hyderabad state that he will make sure that the state will have the democratic rule. Sarojini Naidu and other muslim prominents in Indian Union like Mohammed Ismail, president of Indian Muslim League, suggested Nizam that his policies and Razakkars activities were injuring the Muslims of India and Nizam himself.
With the rise of tyranny of Nizam and his Government, Nehru wrote another letter to Sardar Patel on 6th June, 1948 to take a military action in Hyderabad state as its consequences were reaching to other parts of Indian Union and even to Pakistan.
Hyderabad too was preparing for the military action. Major General El Edroos, commander of the Hyderabad army, was sent to London to buy automatic weapons and anti tank guns, which he wrote in his book “Hyderabad of the seven Loaves”.
Kasim Razvi too made threatening speeches one among them in his words “If the Indian Union venture to enter Hyderabad, the invaders will see the burning of one crore and sixty five lakhs bodies. The muslims will not spare the others if they are not allowed to exist.”
On 26 July, 1948, Sardar Patel declared Hyderabad state was growing like an ulcer at the heart of Indian Union and this ulcer must be operated.
On 10th September, 1948, the Nizam appealed UNO to intervene in the situation and help him against Indian Union ascension. On the same day Nehru announced “With great regret we intend to occupy Secunderabad”. The England lifted British army and ordered their men to resign from the Hyderabad army in support to Indian Union.
Durga Das, editor in Hindustan Times narrated that Pandit Nehru always wanted a peaceful settlement with Nizam for the fear of Pakistan’s reaction while Sardar Patel pressed for police action in an article he wrote at that time.
On 12th September, Mohd. Ali Jinnah died and Nehru was sure that there will be no interference from Pakistan and as requested, the Nizam refused to disband the Razakkars and facilitate the Indian troops to Secunderabad, where they used to stationed regularly. Indian troops surrounded the Hyderabad from all the directions.
This invasion by the Indian troops is named “Operation Polo” or popularly known as Police Action.
The police action ended on 17th, September, 1948, with the arrests of Razvi, Laik Ali, Prime Minister of Hyderabad. Nizam disbanded Razakkars and accepting his defeat and surrendered to Indian Union and allowed Union troops to occupy last parts Secunderabad and Bolarum.
On 17th September, 1948, it’s the end of Mughal Empire with Asaf Sahi dynasty. Finally, the Hyderabad State got independence from Nizam rule and was annexed into Indian Union. On 25th January, 1950, the Hyderabad state to signed the contract to acknowledge Constitution of India.
The consequences of 5 days Police action, UNO discussions and hidden aftermath truth in the next part.
Thank you.